Hi, I’m Nadia, a UX designer!

By day I design GitLab, an open-core DevOps platform. By night I do digital illustration. Creative expression is what lights me up, and I'm always open to learning about new opportunities.

I can help you with

Design + code

See more on Codepen

Latest blog posts


IBM PartnerWorld Advisor Chatbot

Conversational design for an enterprise client

August 21, 2019

Talk: Web Design for Non-Designers

Simple tips for better web design

September 24, 2019

I meditated every day for a year

I meditated every day for a year. Here’s how my life changed.

August 5, 2019

About me

I like making beautiful things, whether it's software or art.

My perfect life includes a house within walking distance to a nice beach with waves, freedom to work where and when I like, and a like-minded tribe of people surrounding me.

If you want to check out my latest UX Design work at GitLab, have a look at my GitLab timeline. Here's some physical products I've designed for the Funky UX Swag Shop. You can also check out my Dribbble for more illustrations.

When I'm not making stuff, I like doing yoga, cooking, or exploring new places.

If you think we should co-create something awesome together, let me know!

Current location: Bangkok, Thailand

Projects and opportunities I'm interested in

  • Software that enables creatives.
  • UX/UI or illustration in web3.

Fave tools

Wanna know more?

Want to know more about my design process? Have an exciting project that could use my help? Drop me a line and let's chat!

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